Eisai Data Protection Policy (Information about your personal data)

Eisai Pharma AG (“Eisai” or “we”) as the Controller within the meaning of the Swiss Data Protection Act, as amended, has its registered head office at the following address:

Leutschenbachstrasse 95
CH-8050 Zurich.

This Data Protection Policy is an important document in which we explain how we process personal data and tell you about your legal rights. Please select the applicable option for you from the following list and carefully read the information applicable to this option, in which we explain how we use your personal data.

If you have any questions about how Eisai treats personal data not covered by this Data Protection Policy, please contact Eisai at datenschutz@eisai.net.

Contact data of the Data Protection Officer:
Our Data Protection Officer is available at all times to answer your questions and serve as the contact person for all matters relating to data protection.

Contact data of the Data Protection Officer:

Eisai Pharma AG
Leutschenbachstrasse 95
CH-8050 Zurich

1.1 I am applying for a job at Eisai

The information in this section is relevant for you if you are applying for a job at Eisai.

If you would like to apply for a job with us, you can do this by clicking on the job advertisement link on our jobs portal.

Your electronic application data will be received by the Human Resources Department and forwarded only to the department responsible for the job in question. All parties involved will treat your application documents as absolutely confidential.

1.1.1 When do we process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data when you give us your contact data, send us your curriculum vitae, apply for a job with us through an employment agency, or when an Eisai employee recommends you for a job. We will sometimes obtain additional data from third parties such as former supervisors or colleagues or other persons from whom we may request references.

1.1.2 Which personal data of yours do we collect?

We only collect the personal data relevant for the application process, such as possibly:

  • Home address, postal code, telephone number(s), email address
  • Where applicable, work telephone number(s) and email address
  • Date of birth
  • Work history with current and former employers, job titles, work responsibilities, starting and leaving dates, reasons for leaving earlier employers, insofar as known
  • Academic credentials and professional memberships
  • Information from your identity card or passport and/or work visa, where applicable
  • Photograph(s), where applicable
  • Current salary, current employment benefits, notice period
  • Professional training history, continuing education plans
  • Interview forms, possibly storage of the video interview until the date of hire
  • Results of online assessments completed in the course of the recruitment process
  • Results of background checks performed in the course of the recruitment process, such as driver’s license checks, for example
  • Work references or character references
  • Information about your health status and any disabilities you have informed us about
  • Information about your visits to our website (see also 1.4. “I am a user of this website”)
  • Other data you provide in the course of the application process

If you would prefer not to provide particular items of information requested by us, please inform the employment agency or your contact at Eisai. Alternatively, you can contact Eisai’s Data Protection Officer and data protection team at the contact data provided below.

1.1.3 How do we use your personal data?

Your personal data collected by us will only be used to assess your application and your aptitude for the job you are interested in. The data will also be used to fulfill applicable legal regulations such as protection against discrimination in the employment relationship. The data may also be used to draft an offer or contract.

1.1.4 How long do we store your data?

If you are applying for a certain position, we will keep your data for a period of 6 months after the completion of the recruitment process, after which the data will be automatically erased in our jobs portal.

If you send your application or a general request for information about career possibilities by way of this website, please also refer to Section 1.4. for details as to how long we keep the information about your visit to our website.

If you are offered an employment relationship with us, we will process your data in accordance with the data protection provisions (which you can view by clicking on the link above, Section 1.5) applicable to employees and other Eisai personnel.

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

1.2 I am a healthcare professional (“HCP”)

The information in this section is relevant for you if you are a healthcare professional.

1.2.1 When do we process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data

  • When you interact with Eisai or our representatives, whether for contact maintenance or other requests via telephone, email, fax, or an in-person visit;
  • When you express an interest and/or participate in the in-person, virtual, or hybrid events organized or sponsored by Eisai. Such events particularly include advisory board meetings, symposia, and conferences;
  • When you grant your consent to receive advertising information from Eisai via electronic data communication methods. In this case, we will make an entry in our customer management system (see also Section 1.2.3 A);
  • When you provide advisory services to Eisai and have entered into a contract for this purpose;
  • When you participate in clinical studies sponsored by Eisai;
  • When you ask us for medical information or inform us about potential safety or quality problems with Eisai products; and/or
  • When you publish, post, or comment on information on publicly accessible platforms (such as the Internet and social media platforms) that are relevant for Eisai’s products and/or the therapeutic fields in which Eisai is active, or for events organized by Eisai.

1.2.2 Which personal data of yours do we collect?

We only collect data that are relevant for the purposes indicated in 1.2.1, such as possibly:

  • Your name;
  • Your contact data such as address, email address, fax number, or telephone number;
  • Your curriculum vitae and professional information such as academic title, medical specialty, lectures you have given, events in which you have participated, services and benefits received from us in the context of such events, and publications;
  • Your financial relationship with Eisai as a potential sponsor of a clinical study;
  • Information about your past collaboration with Eisai;
  • Information you provide to us (including, for example, your experience in the use of Eisai products in your work, and requests for medical information);
  • Your preferences with regard to communication channels;
  • Data and brief summaries of your interactions (e.g., conversations) with Eisai employees, also in the areas of sales and medicine (including on the subject of prescribing behavior, for example);
  • You electronic metadata (e.g., access rights, IP address, device and hardware information, time stamps), insofar as such data are required for participation in the in-person, virtual, or hybrid events organized or sponsored by Eisai. The provision of contact data and metadata is obligatory because a video conference cannot be held without these data. For video conferences, other data such as video images, voice and text entries, including recordings of video images, sound, and text entries, are also processed. It is generally not required that you consent to being recorded. You will be informed in advance of the fact that the video conference will be recorded and you can then deactivate the camera and/or microphone of your terminal device in the application, if desired.
  • Financial and bank information, but only when such information is required for payment of services that you have provided to Eisai or for the reimbursement of agreed expenses incurred in the provision of services to Eisai;
  • Information about your individual interactions with Eisai advertising emails (e.g., when you opened these emails), but only if you have consented to the receipt and tracking of such advertising emails at an individual level for the purpose of helping Eisai improve its communication with you. Otherwise, Eisai will collect tracking information in an aggregated form for the sake of generally improving communication with healthcare professionals (see also Section 1.2.3 A); and
  • Details on the information, posts, or comments published by you on publicly accessible platforms insofar as such details are relevant either for Eisai products and/or the therapeutic fields in which Eisai is active, or for events organized by Eisai.

If you would prefer not to provide particular items of information requested by us, please inform your contact at Eisai or contact Eisai’s Data Protection Officer or data protection team at the contact data provided below.

1.2.3 How do we use your personal data?

Your personal data collected by us will only be processed for the following purposes:

  • To provide information that you have requested or otherwise respond to your request;
  • To fulfill Eisai’s obligations under the Pharma Code and Pharma Cooperation Code, including the disclosure of all payments or value transfers to you;
  • To fulfill Eisai’s legal obligations, including those related to the reporting of side effects and/or quality problems with Eisai’s products, or to fulfill official requests for information;
  • To provide advice about the use of Eisai products;
  • To fulfill a contract concluded with you, including the payment of agreed consulting fees, the reimbursement of agreed expenses, and the booking of travel and accommodation arrangements;
  • To carry out a clinical study in which you are participating and to fulfill Eisai’s obligations in relation to clinical studies, as when the names of study leaders are needed for submissions of study results, for example;
  • To fulfill legal obligations to which Eisai is subject, including obligations to provide information and retain records;
  • To evaluate our business strategy and improve communication between Eisai and you;
  • To identify opinion leaders in a therapeutic field in which Eisai is active;
  • To review your IIS (Investigator-Initiated Studies) application;
  • To assess your potential involvement with Eisai’s future activities; and/or

For you to be invited to and/or participate in in-person, virtual, or hybrid events organized or sponsored by Eisai, which may potentially be of interest to you. Any recording of a video conference is only made for the purpose of making it available to a wider audience; a notice to this effect will be given at the start of video recording. If technically possible, we will suppress your data, meaning they will be processed in a way that is not visible to all participants; for technical reasons, however, this cannot be assured for every event.

1.2.3A Your rights regarding electronic advertising information and your right to object

Revocation or modification of your consent

If you have consented to being contacted for advertising purposes by way of electronic data communications (e.g., email), you have the right to revoke your consent. If you wish to revoke or modify your earlier consent to being contacted with advertising information by way of a certain electronic medium, please send us an email to EMEA_Unsubscribe@eisai.net or datenschutz@eisai.net (the latter email address being located within the European Union) and state those electronic data communication methods you do not agree to.

If you have consented to the tracking of advertising emails at an individual level and would like to withdraw your consent or if you wish to end the tracking of emails at an aggregated level, please send your request likewise by email to EMEA_Unsubscribe@eisai.net or datenschutz@eisai.net. In this case, unfortunately, we will no longer be able to send you any electronic advertising information.

Right to object

You also have a right to object if Eisai processes your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests (e.g., for certain non-advertising purposes). You have the right to object to all direct marketing communications. Also in these cases, please send an email to EMEA_Unsubscribe@eisai.net or datenschutz@eisai.net (the latter email address being located within the European Union) to object to the receipt of such information. If you wish to object to Eisai’s processing of your personal data on the basis of legitimate interests in order to disclose a payment or other value transfer to you, please contact DE_disclosure@eisai.net.

You can find additional information about your rights by clicking on the hyperlink at the end of this Section 1.2.

If you withdraw your consent to receive electronic advertising information or otherwise object to communications from us, we wish to point out that we may nonetheless send you important administrative messages and other communications if we are legally required to do so.

1.2.4 How long do we store your data?

If you work for us, we will keep your data either for the duration of the retention period specified by law or codes or for the duration of the retention period for financial data prescribed by tax law, if the latter period is longer.

If you have participated in a study sponsored by Eisai, we will keep your data for a period of at least 10 years (depending on the applicable legal regulations in the countries in which the study was carried out) after the conclusion or discontinuation of the study.

If you have contacted us with a request for medical information concerning an Eisai product or a report of side effects, we will keep your data for the legally prescribed period of time.

If we have entered your consent into our customer management system, your data will be stored for as long as you consent to the receipt of advertising information by way of electronic communication methods. All information originating from publicly accessible platforms will be erased 3 years after the date of collection.

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

1.3 I supply goods or services to Eisai

The information in this section is relevant for you if you or your company offer or supply or will in the future offer or supply goods or services to Eisai.

1.3.1 When do we process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data

  • When you contact us to offer goods or services to Eisai;
  • When we ask you to supply goods or services to Eisai;
  • When you contact us to supply goods or services to Eisai; or
  • When contracts are concluded on the points mentioned above.

1.3.2 Which personal data of yours do we collect?

We only collect data that are relevant for the purposes indicated in Section 1.3.1, such as possibly:

  • Your name and or the names of employees who work for you or your company;
  • Your contact data or those of your employees, such as address, email address, or telephone number;
  • Background checks;
  • Information about your past contacts with Eisai; and
  • Bank and financial information.

If you would prefer not to provide particular items of information requested by us, please inform your contact at Eisai or contact Eisai’s Data Protection Officer and data protection team at the contact data provided below.

1.3.3 How do we use your personal data?

Your personal data collected by us will only be used for the following purposes:

  • To assess your suitability for supplying goods or services to Eisai;
  • To fulfill our legal obligations, including compliance with anti-corruption regulations under the relevant laws;
  • To fulfill Eisai’s obligations related to international programs such as the Global Pact of the United Nations;
  • To pay for goods and/or services supplied in accordance with the contract in effect between you and Eisai;
  • To fulfill the contract for goods and/or services concluded with you.

1.3.4 How long do we store your data?

If you have supplied goods and/or services to Eisai, we will keep your data for a period of 10 years after the conclusion of the fiscal year in which payment was made for such goods and/or services.

For all other requests, your personal data will be erased or blocked as soon as the purpose of storage no longer applies, unless storage or processing beyond this time was required by laws or other regulations to which we are subject; in such cases, the data will be erased when a retention period prescribed by one of the aforementioned laws or regulations expires, unless we are required to continue storing the data for the conclusion or fulfillment of a contract, in which case we will block the data.

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

1.4 I am a user of the website www.eisai.ch and/or other Eisai websites or I have contacted Eisai by email

The information in this Section is relevant for you if you use the above-mentioned websites or contact Eisai by email.

1.4.1 When do we process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data

  • When you retrieve the above-mentioned websites;
  • When you contact us by email or provide data on the website.

1.4.2 Which personal data of yours do we collect?

We only process personal data that are relevant for the purposes indicated in Section 1.4.1 above, such as particularly:

  • Your name,
  • Your contact data such as address, email address, or telephone number;
  • All other data provided by you when you contact us on the above-mentioned websites or by email; and
  • Online identifiers, see Section 1.4.5

1.4.3 How do we use your personal data?

Your personal data collected by us will only be used for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with the information requested by you;
  • For carrying out the communication desired by you;
  • For advertising purposes;
  • For quality assurance and for our statistics.

1.4.4 Data sources

We receive the data from you and from the devices used by you.

1.4.5 Log files

Every time you visit our Internet sites, usage data will be transmitted by the respective Internet browser and stored in protocol files called “log files”.

The data records stored in this way comprise the following data:

  • Date and time of retrieval;
  • IP address of the accessing computer;
  • Name and URL of the requested site;
  • Data quantity transmitted;
  • Browser type and version;
  • Operating system used;
  • Report of whether the retrieval was successful.

We analyze these log file data records in an anonymized form for the purpose of improving our offering and making it more user-friendly, finding and correcting faults, and managing the capacity utilization of servers. These data are not commingled with other data sources.

1.4.6 Cookies

We use cookies in some areas to make our Internet sites more user-friendly for you and tailor them optimally to your needs. A cookie is a text file with an identification number that is transmitted to the user’s computer and stored there together with other, actually requested data when you use the website. The file is kept there for a later access and serves the purpose of authenticating the user. Because cookies are only simple files and not executable programs, they pose no threat to your computer.

When you visit our sites for the first time, we give you the chance in the cookie banner to set your preferences by the categories of “essential” or “necessary” and “statistics” or “not necessary” and consent to their use if the site in question uses cookies.

  • Essential / necessary cookies: These cookies are required for the core functionality of the website. Without them, the website cannot be used as intended. Among other things, they ensure the functionality when a site is changed from http to https to fulfill heightened security requirements. These cookies collect anonymized information (so that they cannot be used to identify you as an individual) and cannot track your activities on other websites. As so-called session cookies, they are only stored for the duration of each session. They store a so-called Session ID by which different requests from your browser can be attributed to the same session. Consequently, your computer can be recognized again when you return to the website. Session cookies are erased when you close the browser.

We use cookie banners such as the Usercentrics Consent Management Platform on our website if cookies are placed on your computer. These cookies store your device information, browser information, anonymized IP address, opt-in and opt-out data, the date and time of your visit, URLs of our website requested by you, the page path of our website, and your geographical location.

  • Cookies for statistics / non-necessary cookies: Statistics cookies help us understand how you interact with our website by collecting and reporting information anonymously. Where applicable, you can find information on this subject in our cookie banner.

1.4.7 Rx Login

We offer you the chance to log in to the websites mentioned above with your user data from Swiss-Rx-Login (SRXL).

Swiss-Rx-Login (SRXL) is the free log-in for healthcare professionals in the Swiss healthcare system. It gives professional users access to a wide range of websites that are not freely accessible to the public. Such websites include product information of the pharmaceuticals industry for prescription medicines, which may only be viewed by professionals authorized to dispense such medicines, as well as value-added services of third parties that are only open to the employees of certain organizations (e.g., lists of hospitals in compendium.ch). Swiss-Rx-Login is provided free of charge by the foundation Stiftung Refdata to all parties, both users and providers, and is supported by numerous associations of the Swiss healthcare system: https://www.refdata.ch/de/weitere-leistungen/swiss-rx-login

1.4.8 Sharing of content in social networks

You have the chance to share job advertisements on Eisai’s website in the social network LinkedIn. The buttons or icons on the website serve as external links. You are brought to the provider’s website when you click on the corresponding icons or buttons. At the same time, the Internet address (URL) of the page you wish to share is transmitted as a parameter. Eisai has no knowledge of the data collected by each provider and has no way of influencing whether or how the given provider analyzes the clicks and transmitted information. For additional information, please refer to LinkedIn’s Data Protection Policy: https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?trk=uno-reg-guest-home-privacy-policy

1.4.9 How long do we store your data?

We store your personal data for only as long as necessary to achieve the purpose of processing or when the storage of such data is subject to a legal retention period.

  • If you have consented to processing, we will store your data at most until you revoke your consent. In the case of data collected for the purpose of providing the websites, this is no later than 30 days.
  • Statistics data are stored by us permanently until the end of use of the service in question; this is done exclusively on an anonymized basis.
  • If we require the data to fulfill a contract, we will store them at most for as long as the contractual relationship with you remains in effect or for as long as the legal retention periods have not expired.
  • Data may also be stored if we are required to do so by Swiss laws and regulations.
  • For reasons of pharmacovigilance, it may be necessary for us to elicit additional data from you. Such data will be erased after storage for this purpose is no longer required or at the latest upon the expiration of the legal retention periods.

1.4.10 Links to third-party websites

On our websites, we also offer you useful information and services offered by other providers. If data about you (“personal data”) are processed when you use such information and services, this is done under the responsibility of the provider in question. This means that the provider is the Controller under data protection law. The Data Protection Policy of the given provider applies to the processing of your data on such websites. You can recognize such offerings by the marking “[link]” or by the appearance of a pop-up window.

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

1.5 I work for Eisai

The information in this section is relevant for you if you are employed by or work for Eisai.

1.5.1 When do we process your personal data?

We collect and process personal data

  • If you are employed by Eisai on a permanent or temporary basis; or
  • If you have agreed to work for Eisai as a service provider, consultant, or temp worker.

1.5.2 Which personal information of yours do we collect?

We only collect data that are relevant for employment purposes, such as possibly:

  • Your name, home address, postal code, telephone number(s), and email address
  • Sex
  • Place and date of birth
  • Work history with current and former employers, job titles, work responsibilities, starting and leaving dates
  • Academic credentials and professional memberships
  • Information from your identity card or passport and/or work visa, where applicable
  • Photographs, for identity purposes
  • Current salary, current employment benefits, notice period
  • Professional training history, continuing education plans
  • Recordings of job interviews conducted with you in person, by telephone, or by video conference
  • Results of online assessments completed in the course of the recruitment process
  • Results of background checks performed in the course of the recruitment process, including security checks (in relation to your having a valid driver’s license, for example) and criminal record checks
  • Work references or character references
  • Driver’s license information (depending on the position)
  • Information from your identity card or passport and/or work visa, where applicable
  • Social insurance number, tax ID number
  • Civil status
  • Next of kin, dependents
  • Information about your health status, disclosed to us by you or a third party on your behalf
  • Vehicle Identification Number(s)
  • Bank account information
  • Information about business trips
  • Information about your visits in or to Eisai building(s)
  • Records of disciplinary proceedings and complaints procedures, as well as the corresponding investigations
  • Information about performance reviews
  • Data related to your participation in or support for Eisai events, including photographs of you at these events, and data related to your work at Eisai
  • Electronic metadata (e.g., access rights, IP address, device and hardware information, time stamps), insofar as such data are required for participation in virtual or hybrid events, as well as additional data related to the use of IT systems. The provision of metadata is obligatory because a video conference cannot be held without these data. For video conferences, other data such as video images, voice and text entries, including recordings of video images, sound, and text entries, are also processed. It is generally not required that you consent to being recorded. You will be informed in advance of the fact that the video conference will be recorded and you can then deactivate the camera and/or microphone of your terminal device in the application, if desired.
  • Other data that you or a third party acting on your behalf have provided.

1.5.3 How do we use your personal data?

Your personal data collected by us will also be used to fulfill applicable regulations, including the General Equal Treatment Act and the Occupational Safety Act, for example. The information may also be used to facilitate the management of employment contracts and business activities, to promote Eisai in social networks and other media, and for internal communication purposes.

1.5.4 How long do we store your data?

All data stored by Human Resources in the personnel files will be retained for as long as employee claims can be expected.

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

1.6 I am participating in a study sponsored by Eisai as a patient or test subject

The information in this section is relevant for you if you are participating in a clinical or non-interventional study sponsored by Eisai (hereinafter referred to as a “study”) as a patient or test subject. You can also find detailed information in the relevant informed consent form that you must carefully read and sign before participating in the study.

1.6.1 When do we collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data when you participate in a study sponsored by Eisai.

1.6.2 Which personal information of yours do we collect?

We only collect personal data that are relevant for your participation in the study, such as possibly:

  • Name, address, telephone number(s), email address
  • Sex
  • Data of birth, age
  • Ethnic origin
  • Health problems

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

1.7 I am a patient or other private person

Please note that Eisai cannot offer medical advice to members of the public. We will refer you to your physician. The information in this section is relevant for you if you are a patient or other private person requesting medical information, reporting safety or quality problems, or making comments on an Eisai product or therapeutic field in which Eisai has an interest. If you are a healthcare professional, the information provided in Section 1.2 “I am a healthcare professional (“HCP”)” is relevant for you.

1.7.1 When do we process your personal data?

We collect and process your personal data when you contact us to request medical information or report potential safety or quality problems related to an Eisai drug. If you comment in a public forum on an Eisai product or therapeutic field in which Eisai has an interest, we may possibly receive aggregated and anonymized information about your comments. However, we will only collect minimal information about your comments unless we are legally required to collect identifiable information.

1.7.2 Which personal data of yours do we collect?

We only collect personal data that are relevant for the purposes stated above, such as possibly:

  • Name, address, telephone numbers, email address;
  • Information about the content of the request;
  • Details about possible safety or quality problems of an Eisai drug that you are reporting;
  • Information about you or a third person who has taken the drug (if that person is reporting a potential safety problem), including age, sex, health status, and the contact data of the physician who prescribed the drug;
  • Minimal information about your comments on the subject of an Eisai product or therapeutic field in which Eisai is interested, if you expressed them in a public forum.

1.7.3 How do we use your personal data?

We will only use the information we have collected about you in order to

  • Respond to your request for medical advice;
  • Fulfill your request for medical advice by providing information that is available in the Patient Information, if relevant to your question;
  • Fulfill Eisai’s legal obligations under the Medicinal Products Act to report safety or quality issues related to Eisai’s drugs;
  • To assert, exercise, or defend against any legal claims.

1.7.4 How long do we store your data?

When you contact us to request medical information, a copy of your request and Eisai’s response will be kept for 5 years from the date of your request. If you contact us regarding a medical or safety problem related to an Eisai drug or if your request for medical information includes a safety problem, we will keep your data for 10 years from the date of expiration of approval for circulation of the drug according to the applicable laws.

Please click on this link for information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us.

2 Information about your rights, the transfer of your data to third parties, changes to this Data Protection Policy, and your contacts with us

2.1 What rights do you have?

With respect to personal data of yours that we have collected, you have the following rights under certain circumstances. You may

  • Request information about your personal data that we are processing;
  • Request a correction of your personal data;
  • Request that your personal data be erased or blocked;
  • Request that we limit the processing of your personal data;
  • Object to the use of your personal data;
  • Request an electronic copy of the personal data you have provided to Eisai;
  • Revoke your consent to the processing of your data in the future; and
  • Lodge a complaint of unlawful data processing with the competent regulatory authority.

We will evaluate such requests on the basis of applicable data protection laws. Please note that Eisai may not be able to fulfill your request, or not fully, for legal reasons or other important reasons.

If you have requested erasure, we will either erase or anonymize your personal data, depending on the technical possibilities. If it is not legally possible for us at this time either to erase or to anonymize your personal data, we will continue to safeguard your data from the time when the purpose of processing no longer applies to the time when it is possible to erase or anonymize the data.

If you choose to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data, we wish to point out that this will have no effect on the lawfulness of processing before the date of revocation.

If data protection laws have been violated, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent regulatory authority. The competent regulatory authority for Eisai is

Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter (EDÖB)

Reporting portal: EDOEB DataBreach (admin.ch)

If you wish to have the personal data collected by us reviewed, corrected, or erased, please send an email to datenschutz@eisai.net.

2.2 Requirement or obligation to provide data

Unless not expressly stated otherwise at the time of collection, you are not required or obligated to provide data. However, such an obligation may arise from legal regulations or contractual provisions.

2.3 To whom do we transfer your personal data?

In processing your data, we cooperate with the following service providers, which may have access to your data:

  • Other businesses of the Eisai Group (see 4 below);
  • External suppliers or potential suppliers that provide or may provide services or systems used by Eisai to securely process your data; in the execution of video conferences, data will be processed via the servers of third-party providers. In particular, we use “Microsoft Teams,” a service of the Microsoft Corporation, head office in Redmond, USA. You can find Microsoft’s Data Protection Policy here: https://privacy.microsoft.com/de-de/privacystatement
  • External job processors that process data on behalf of Eisai, including providers of web analytics tools and web hosting services;
  • Government authorities that are legally authorized to demand the disclosure of your personal data stored with us;
  • The industry associations scienceindustries, vips and Interpharma concerning publications under the Pharma Cooperation Codex (PCC) or related to compliance with the regulations of the Pharma Code;
  • Consulting firms;
  • Pharmaceutical companies with which Eisai maintains a co-promotion / co-marketing relationship;
  • Buyers or potential buyers of parts of the company or shares in the company, which we are selling (or want to sell); and/or
  • Third parties, if required by law (e.g., tax authorities, customs authorities).

2.4 Transfer of your data to recipients outside of Switzerland

As part of a global corporate group, we rely on other Eisai companies to assist us with data processing. These group companies may also process data outside of Switzerland, such as in the EU, the UK, Japan, or the US. These group companies process the personal data only for the stated purposes.

We also use external suppliers to provide us with various business tools, including the tools we use for recruitment, human resources administration, procurement, finance, and the organization of clinical studies; we provide your personal data to such external suppliers as data processors. Some of these suppliers may also have their registered head office outside of the EEA.

Some of these countries may possibly not have a data protection authority and/or data production laws, and/or may not grant rights to data subjects, so that you may potentially not be able to enforce your rights in the same way as in Switzerland or the EU, and the recipients may not be legally required to protect your data according to Swiss or EU standards. Eisai will take all necessary steps to ensure that your personal data are also protected in such cases.

We have implemented procedures to ensure that all external companies with which we collaborate for the purpose of processing your personal data – including other Eisai companies or branches – apply the same data protection standards as those that apply in the EU. This includes the obligation of due diligence in our dealings with such external companies (e.g., reviewal of the security measures implemented there to ensure data protection) and the obligation to enter into contracts containing adequate data protection provisions, such as those found in the EU standard contractual clauses, for example, which the European Commission recommends as adequate protection of personal data of EU citizens, and which are likewise applied in Switzerland.

Eisai could possibly transfer personal data to competent authorities in third countries if this is required for the purpose of obtaining product approvals and for safety reporting purposes, provided that the transfer is required for important reasons of the public interest, given that these interests are recognized by law.

2.5 Changes to this Data Protection Policy

This Data Protection Policy may be updated by Eisai from time to time; you can always retrieve the current version from the website www.eisai.ch.

This Data Protection Policy is dated March 2024.

2.6 Contact

To contact Eisai’s Data Protection Officer and our Data Protection Department, please send an email to datenschutz@eisai.net or use the postal address indicated above.
